
In the name of Allah, the creator of the universe

Holy Quran Institute offers affordable Tajweed classes (reading the Holy Quran with proper pronunciation and accent) in comparison to other online Quran Institutes, allowing the majority of Muslims to learn Quran at home online

Why Choose Us

We accept accountability for successful outcomes. We guide you and your kids through the most advanced level of online Quran reading with tajweed instruction. Online Quran study is made significantly simpler by the convenience of home and your chosen study times, parental supervision, and expert Quran Teachers’ guidance. Consequently, you can trust us.

Mission Statement

3- Days Free trials online classes.

Essentials For Muslim

Take the proper knowledge about 5 pillars of Islam











No time barrier for online classes


travel time is necessary, and tutoring fees are flexible. Students can change their class times according to their availability, comfort, and comfort level. Classes are held via Skype or Zoom at the times and days that work best for them. Family members will receive discounts. Continue learning the Qur’an with a tutor with Academy experience.

1) Norani Qaida

2) Quran reading with tajweed

3) Quran Memorizing

4) Translation

5) Namaz, Kalmas, Duas and 40 Hadees

6) Pratical Things like Sunnah

Female Teachers

NoYou’ve come to the right place if you’re a sister who wants to learn the Qur’an but would prefer a female teacher. We have qualified female Qur’an tutors available at our academy who can create a relaxing learning environment for you.